“There is a good fight, and there is a bad fight. The principle and issues involved apply to both Christians and non-Christians; both can benefit from the principles presented in this book. One fight leads to eternal life and the other leads to hell. The first fight is the one implemented by the sincere Christians and by those non-Christian following biblical principles. The second is used by those not following biblical principles, including those who merely profess Christianity, but do not practice it inwardly nor outwardly.”
– an excerpt from the book
ARPress is honored to publish “Get Ready For The Good Fight” by Hubert E. Thomas. This book is now available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and the ARPress website.
The narrative in “Get Ready For The Good Fight” by Hubert E. Thomas centers around the dualities of good and evil that influence human behavior and decision-making. The author posits that these two forces guide individuals in their actions, suggesting a constant struggle against the malign influences that may affect one’s spiritual well-being and personal growth.
The badge of Christianity is not an outward sign. The wearing of a cross or a crown does not indicate our persuasion, but it is that which reveals the union of man with God. By the power of His grace manifested in the transformation of character, the world is to be convinced that God has sent His Son as its Redeemer. No other influence that can surround the human soul has such power as the influence of an unselfish life. The strongest argument in favor of the Gospel is a loving and lovable Christian (Ellen White, The Ministry of Healing, 470.1).
Author Hubert E. Thomas was born in Colon, Republic of Panama. His elementary studies were at Escuela República de Bolivia, Colon, Panama. His high school was at Colegio Abel Bravo, Colon, Panama. He received an AA ministerial degree at Colegio Vocacional de América Central, Alajuela, Costa Rica. His bachelor’s degree was at West Indies College, Mandeville, Jamaica (graduated as class president). His master’s degree was from Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
After graduation, he served as a pastor of a six-church bilingual district in the Panama conference. He was a pastor and treasurer in the Cayman Islands, Mission of Seventh Day Adventists. He was assigned Accounts receivable at the Andrews Memorial Hospital in Jamaica. He served as a pastor of the Spanish churches and internal auditor for the North Caribbean Conference (St. Croix). He was an internal auditor for the Inter-American Division of Seventh-Day Adventists (FL) and at the writing of this book, an internal Auditor for the South Atlantic Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. He was a Special Education school bus driver for Montgomery (MD) and Gwinnett Counties (GA).
The intent of this book is to deal with interpersonal relationships primarily among Christians and to remind them of the example they should be showing to others by their conduct. Non-Christians can also benefit from the principles enunciated.
In this book, how to fight Christian warfare using Christian principles will be presented. As you read, make it interactive. It will be more fun and effective.
Certainly, you have often heard this expression, “She, he, or they made me do it or made me angry or unhappy.” This is not true. No one can make you do anything that you do not want to do. The decisions and choices of action are always yours. You do or say things because of who you are and what is in you. Therefore, you need to educate yourself well in order to make good decisions.
There are only two forces in this world, influencing or guiding your actions or decisions: one is for good, the other for evil. Our struggle in this life is not primarily against our fellow human beings but against the forces of evil. When we really understand this and if we follow the instructions or guidelines of the forces of good, we will always be happy and victorious no matter what the challenges may be that we encounter.
“Get Ready For The Good Fight” is not merely a narrative; it is a motivational text designed to assist readers in navigating the complexities of life through a lens of positivity and empowerment. The key message revolves around the importance of understanding internal and external influences and actively choosing the path of goodness in a world where both forces exist. Thomas’ insights encourage readers to take charge of their lives, reminding them that the choices they make shape their experiences and ultimately define their journey.
“Get Ready For The Good Fight” by Hubert E. Thomas is now available for purchase via ARPress Bookstore: