Osiander Rose

Osiander Rose

Osiander Rose is a person who truly trusts that God can work miracles in the lives of young people. As an aspiring writer, she has written about the realism of righteousness. The third child of seven children, Osiander was born and raised in Chicago. She has seen first hand how children can be “not so nice” to each other but, she has also seen how those same children can be transformed. Osiander is an author who writes that God is the only path to get it right. Read Osiander’s book “God Where Are My Muscles?” along with her other writings; “Preaching to the Tenth Pew” series as well as “A Boat in the Desert” and “Choose Your Weapon Choose Your Side”. She is truly a blessed writer exercising her God given talent to write about what we so often think about and want to action but need God’s help. You will get something from this piece and from her other writings as well.

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