Bullying is a silent destroyer of healthy self-esteem. Sadly, it takes place in our schools and in our communities. Thus, we as adults need to be aware. Don’t think it doesn’t exist. It’s there in many fashions. Sometimes children won’t come right out and tell you. They feel they might get teased for tattling as well. Every parent probably has a child experiencing bullying. In general, every person probably knows a bully. Even in today’s times, children can still be cruel to each other. Although we have not yet determined the true root cause, we know it generates from three scenarios. It could come from children simply not obeying their parents. It could come from parents not training their child. It could come from not working together as a community helping to raise all children. Nonetheless, we can overcome all three. Buddy and Styles are just like any other children.
Buddy and Styles’ bullies are just like any other bullies. But God. But God. Buddy wants to overcome the fear and mental trauma that comes with bullying. His answer is to have muscles. Buddy dreamt that God had given him huge muscles to fight off the Wallaces. He fought them off single-handedly and Styles watched and cheered. When he got home, he and styles told their mom that the Wallaces were a problem but no more. No more. No more. What Buddy does not understand is that muscles from God can come in all forms. Buddy knows that God is indeed the miracle maker. So, he prays to God each day to please give him muscles. Buddy does get those muscles from God. Please read and see. You will be amazed at what God can do for those who believe.
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