Jeffrey Jacobs

Jeffrey Jacobs

Jeffrey Jacobs was born in Orlando, Florida on September 11, 1961. Growing up, I had developed a love for music and writing as well as becoming a lifelong fan of Disney. I had started writing in grade school, stories and song lyrics, but the earlier material had been lost. I continued writing mainly as a hobby and an outlet as well for my depression, learning to rely on only those things. One early manuscript of my novels survived, which is Borealis and Australis, a Tale of Two Kingdoms which is yet unpublished at this writing. The first book of the eight-book fantasy novel series Arundel Haven would be my first work in print, though I have available at this time on Amazon Kindle the Christmas fantasy novel Heir of Santa Claus, in 2019 and two books of lyrics Threnodies from the Shadowlands dealing with my lonely battle against depression. The other seven books in the series will follow this one.

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