Daniel R. Condron
Raised on a farm in northwest, Missouri, USA where Daniel spent a lot of time in nature. In nature, Daniel experienced a oneness. On every Sunday, Daniel attended Oakland/Christian Church where he learned all the Bible stories. Then as a child and young man he would have spiritual experiences in the woods on the farm. At times when playing with other children, Daniel would become completely still. At other times, he could not get his attention off his breath. Daniel graduated from the University of Missouri with a Bachelor’s and a Master’s of Science degrees in Agricultural Economics with a specialization in international agricultural development. Daniel has been practicing discipline, service and teaching for over 40 years. In the year 2000, Daniel breathed through and opened all seven chakras. He experienced divine love in the heart chakra and divine bliss in the crown chakra. In the year 2006, he breathed through and opened the eighth, ninth and tenth chakras. Daniel experienced heaven in the 9th chakra and the white light in the 8th chakra. This he gives to the world.
- Male
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