The HR Companion: Human Resource Management


The problems that the human resource manager must solve in an organization are continuously diversifying. In his activity, the human resource manager confronts with a sea of challenges, especially stemming from the ever-changing workforce and the legislation in the field.

Yet, taking into account the critical character of Human Resource Management, it benefits from special attention on the part of the leadership. Human resource managers develop and work in a human resource management system. In such a system, acknowledged as efficient, variable number of activities are associated, from four to nine, as identified by the American Society for Training and Development CASTD. Considering the increasing complexity of human resource management, some authors have added more activities, such as those included in this book, as well, reckoning that it is necessary for new domains to be developed, implemented and evaluated, such as work humanization, work programs and plans of rewards regarding performance and career planning.

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Author: Dr. Lamin Tombekai Kamara

The problems that the human resource manager must solve in an organization are continuously diversifying. In his activity, the human resource manager confronts with a sea of challenges, especially stemming from the ever-changing workforce and the legislation in the field.

Yet, taking into account the critical character of Human Resource Management, it benefits from special attention on the part of the leadership. Human resource managers develop and work in a human resource management system. In such a system, acknowledged as efficient, variable number of activities are associated, from four to nine, as identified by the American Society for Training and Development CASTD. Considering the increasing complexity of human resource management, some authors have added more activities, such as those included in this book, as well, reckoning that it is necessary for new domains to be developed, implemented and evaluated, such as work humanization, work programs and plans of rewards regarding performance and career planning.

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Book Type

Ebook, Paperback


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