Then, as thoughts of the past cleared, I remembered the same voice that I had heard and trusted since that night on the side of the road as Joe said again,
“Red, you’ve been with me the longest and seem lost in thought; please speak your mind.”
“Well, Joe, Mary, we are it. We aren’t playing games here. This is the real ‘Game of Life.’ Our choices really can mean life or death for Hope and Christian. You, Mary, and I are as deep into this as possible. We all know this and accept the burden. Alice’s letter is the tip of the iceberg to our knowing something, anything, about what we are up against. Let’s see how deep into this game of life we are.”
Mary and I looked at Joe and then at each other as tears flowed down all three of our faces, and if I remember right, I said.
“Damnit, Joe, why did you pick me up that night? That’s right, I know I was probably, no not, I would have died of freezing to death. But Joe, this is so much bigger than we ever thought. And again, I ask anyone who has a clue: “Why, out of all the people in this world, to pick to protect Saviors, God picked us.”
The Coming – Hunted . . . God and Man, versus the Devil and his minions.
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