Tales Times Ten


TALES TIMES TEN begins with the struggles of an up and coming young professional magician. We find him playing ‘finders – keepers’ inside and outside his Disappearing Cabinets, as MISTER MAGIC here in Detroit. Next, in a TWINKLING OF AN EYE, we are a witness with the ravens and a lone cardinal to one of those old time negotiations for a better life. After the ink is dry on the contract, we then take a visit to a Library of the Future as a student requests THE DOCTOR CLARK FILES. She is working up a thesis on the taboo deviant sexual behavior of certain members of Academia in the Twentieth Century. Before the authorities arrive, we find ourselves invited inside the mind of a lady architect killing time doing a puzzle in HOLY CROSSWORD DOROTHY. Just before she steps forward onto the stage, we head back to the vacant offices of Infinitex Enterprises. Here, even farther into the future, we discover the many faces of TACTILE UNDERSTANDING.

Better than halfway through, we find ourselves taking notes and dodging bullets. That is, before we spot the torn flyer requesting our presence at the grand opening of the TECHTOWN BOOK CLUB. We barely close the book on this event, when we grow increasingly alert to a rising din out there in the streets. We are startled to realize it can only be from the nearby LAND OF A THOUSAND CRIES. Now back to the future we go, leaving the screams of the past to die in the vacuum while we conduct a further learned study about the state of SEX EDUCATION. After being thoroughly briefed, regarding our study materials and classroom requirements, we then find ourselves in the Math Clinic hiding Internet Porn from the tutors as we are SOLVING FOR ‘X’.

Finally, with all this said and done, it is time to return our ticket stub to the Parking Attendant, after affixing our SPIRITUAL SIGNATURE to these TALES TIMES TEN

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Author: Eligah Boykin

TALES TIMES TEN begins with the struggles of an up and coming young professional magician. We find him playing ‘finders – keepers’ inside and outside his Disappearing Cabinets, as MISTER MAGIC here in Detroit. Next, in a TWINKLING OF AN EYE, we are a witness with the ravens and a lone cardinal to one of those old time negotiations for a better life. After the ink is dry on the contract, we then take a visit to a Library of the Future as a student requests THE DOCTOR CLARK FILES. She is working up a thesis on the taboo deviant sexual behavior of certain members of Academia in the Twentieth Century. Before the authorities arrive, we find ourselves invited inside the mind of a lady architect killing time doing a puzzle in HOLY CROSSWORD DOROTHY. Just before she steps forward onto the stage, we head back to the vacant offices of Infinitex Enterprises. Here, even farther into the future, we discover the many faces of TACTILE UNDERSTANDING.

Better than halfway through, we find ourselves taking notes and dodging bullets. That is, before we spot the torn flyer requesting our presence at the grand opening of the TECHTOWN BOOK CLUB. We barely close the book on this event, when we grow increasingly alert to a rising din out there in the streets. We are startled to realize it can only be from the nearby LAND OF A THOUSAND CRIES. Now back to the future we go, leaving the screams of the past to die in the vacuum while we conduct a further learned study about the state of SEX EDUCATION. After being thoroughly briefed, regarding our study materials and classroom requirements, we then find ourselves in the Math Clinic hiding Internet Porn from the tutors as we are SOLVING FOR ‘X’.

Finally, with all this said and done, it is time to return our ticket stub to the Parking Attendant, after affixing our SPIRITUAL SIGNATURE to these TALES TIMES TEN

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Book Type

Ebook, Paperback


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