This special addition of Reflections on Being Human contains 150 exquisite poems, written by Dr. Nirander Safaya after his retirement from a brilliant scientific career. These poems portray the thrills and challenges of life and love in general and the saving grace of spiritual light and wisdom in particular.
The poems are divided into three thematic parts-Life, Love, and Light. The structured arrangement of poems followed in this book allows a coherently flowing exploration of human feelings, emotions, and aspirations, and of the human behavior; thus taking the readers through a panoramic journey of self-discovery. The verses are eloquent and evocative, with dazzling imagery that touch the senses and soul, delving into the pragmatic, romantic, and spiritual longings of human beings. These lucidly written verses reflect on, and expose, the secrets of achieving success in love, peace, and happiness.
Positively uplifting and illuminating, Safaya’s poetic work is reminiscent of classical poetry, for it is deeply thought provoking about human nature and condition. Foreword Clarian Review wrote, “Reflections on Being Human works toward truth and self-actualization with many poems hinting at ultimate perfect unity …surprising imagery to uncommon and timeless effect.” Kirkus review remarked, “This earnest collection tackles serious questions…[c]onsiders the subject of love both abstractly and concretely.” An editor at iUniverse, A. Spencer, wrote, “these poems have a rare intellectual and spiritual depth as well as lyricism.”
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