
ARPress is honored to publish “Prayer: The Believer’s Spiritual Umbilical Cord (Concepts, Principles and Value)” by Onório Cutane. This book is now available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and the ARPress website.

Close intimacy with God. If we superficially define prayer as just communication with God, we wouldn’t be doing justice to this great spiritual principle. In prayer, there was more than communication; there was intimacy, trust, and surrender that enabled man’s spirit to hear God’s voice and not just talk to Him. Most believers today have made prayer a ritual or habit they must exercise for their spiritual growth. However, few have really listened to the voice of God. Is prayer just something one-sided, where man invokes God, and He doesn’t answer? Well, it was the Lord who said, “Call to me, and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know” (Jeremiah 33:3 NIV).

Onório Cutane is an apostle, teacher, and prophet with an apostolic-prophetic calling. He is a humble servant of God with a dynamic ministry of teaching, healing, and deliverance that has helped many people to be delivered from the power of darkness and converted to the kingdom of light and love. Thousands of people have been blessed and now experience a victorious life through the anointed word he teaches.

Founder and president of the Nations for Christ Ministries Church, the apostle is a writer, songwriter, and televangelist. He has conducted massive evangelistic crusades called “Heavenly Atmosphere” that have carried the manifested presence of the Holy Spirit wherever he ministers. Apostle Onório Cutane’s mandate is to expand the kingdom of Heaven and prepare the Church for the second coming of Jesus.

In late 2019, Apostle Onório Cutane pioneered one of the first Evangelical television stations in Mozambique. It’s called “KINGDOM TV,” and it has been bringing the Good News of the kingdom of God and the power of God to many in Mozambique. Apostle Onório’s ministry is international, with churches in Africa, Europe, Brazil, and the United States. He is the author of the best-seller “The Model Father,” which has brought Divine healing to many.

The present piece is a treatise on one of the greatest Biblical principles on which the life and well-being of human beings on earth depend: prayer. In this book, the man of God apostle Onório Cutane, inspired by the Holy Spirit, brings profound revelations and valuable teachings about prayer: from the concept, importance, principles, and typology.

The detailed explanation and contextual examples will help the reader to pray the right way and receive answers to his prayers. God wants to answer them, and the man of God explains how the reader can make this possible. Furthermore, this book presents the ABCs of prayer in a very understandable way with practical guidelines and steps. It’s a practical guide on how to pray according to God’s will. Dive into the deepest divine intimacy and program your spirit for the highest flights with God’s Spirit. Learn biblical principles by which you can pray effective prayers and obtain positive results for yourself and humankind’s good.

This book isn’t a comprehensive treaty on prayer but rather a contribution to Christian literature and the body of Christ worldwide, from the simple believer to ministers of the gospel. It seeks to answer questions concerning its concept, motivations, principles, and benefits. In other words, the reader will have answers to the questions, even if not entirely, but in terms of encouragement to study prayer in depth: what is prayer, and why should we pray? How should we pray, and what are the benefits of prayer?

Dear reader, feel the Holy Spirit’s impression in your heart, His promptings inviting you to pray. When was the last time you spent time with God? Many pray but expect no answer. Why do you pray?

“Prayer: The Believer’s Spiritual Umbilical Cord (Concepts, Principles and Value)” by Onório Cutane is now available for purchase via ARPress Bookstore:

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