
Concerns regarding the reliability, sincerity, and reputation of publishers are growing in response to the exponential growth of self-publishing platforms. It is important to advise authors to be diligent and cautious when choosing publishers for manuscript submission in order to assure reputation and excellence. It is the responsibility of the author to exercise diligence in choosing the publishing channel if they want to submit to a new or upcoming publication, to distinguish the legitimate publishers from the ones that are considered vanity publishing.

Is Author Reputation Press legitimate? Yes. It is a leading publishing company with headquarters at 45 Dan Road, Suite 5, Canton, MA 02021. Author Reputation Press (ARPress) is committed to transforming an author’s imagination into pages and helping them carve out a name for themselves in the literary world. AR Press has been serving thousands of authors for years and has published thousands of books of different genres and formats.

The following are recommendations to authors when selecting publishers.

  • Check that the publisher provides full, verifiable contact information, including address, on its site. Be cautious of those that provide only web contact forms.
  • Check the social media accounts of the publishing company (Facebook, X, Instagram, and others.
  • Check its published books on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Walmart, and other online bookstores.
  • Read the reviews and feedback of the past clients of the publishing company. (
  • Check that the publishing company is accredited by the Better Business Bureau.
  • To make sure, you may buy a kindle version of the published book under the publisher’s name to check the interior layout of the book.
  • Research about the authors of the published book under the publisher’s name.
  • Use common sense, as you would when shopping online: if something looks fishy, proceed with caution.

In the event that you completed the payment procedure, get in touch with your bank right away to report fraud. They will provide you with a new debit card and put a fraud watch on your account.

What other defenses are there? Not every unexpected offer you receive in these days of solicitation schemes will be a scam, but there are so many that you should approach them with suspicion. Verify the email address to be sure it is the one belonging to the company from which it appears to be coming. Verify the company’s website by conducting a web search. Do the links in the email correspond with the website? Are there any posted cautions? Make contact with the company and request verification.

With AR Press’ open submissions policy, writers may have a voice in the fiercely competitive publishing world. Our commitment to generating diverse books across all genres is evidenced by the fact that we do not restrict our consideration of written works for publication to specific niches. Our quickly expanding global presence serves to highlight this even more. Our global footprint demonstrates our capacity to preserve a global network of relationships and an international presence. This enables us to provide a fresh viewpoint to our tailored strategy for our authors and books.

For more information and questions, you can call us at (+1) 888 821 0229 or send us a message at the following links:

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