
In a recent interview with CBS Radio’s Benji Cole, Dr. J. Hilary Gbotoe, Jr. discussed his book, Strategic Planning: Management Within the Local Church, and the inspiration behind its creation.

Dr. Gbotoe, with over 35 years of pastoral experience, serves as the presiding bishop of Kingdom Harvest Ministries, Inc. His academic background includes a Bachelor of Theology, a Bachelor of Arts in Counseling, a master’s degree in organizational management, a Doctoral Degree in Organizational Leadership from the University of Phoenix, and a Doctorate in Education from Concordia University. His extensive experience and education have equipped him to address the challenges local churches face today.

In the interview, Dr. Gbotoe emphasized the alarming rate at which local churches in America are closing their doors, despite the prominence of mega churches on television. He noted that societal changes and internal challenges have led many to question the relevancy of the local church in today’s world.

“Strategic Planning: Management Within the Local Church” is both an encouragement and a resource for the Body of Christ. The book aims to make the church more strategic in its approach, ensuring its vision and mission remain relevant to the world. Dr. Gbotoe believes that through strategic leadership, the church can have a greater impact, restore its image, and reach a troubled world with the message of hope and grace through Jesus Christ.

Dr. Gbotoe’s passion for pastors and church growth is evident throughout the interview. He encourages church leaders to adopt strategic planning and management practices to navigate the complexities of modern society effectively. By doing so, he asserts, the local church can reaffirm its relevancy and continue to serve as a beacon of hope in challenging times.

For a more in-depth understanding of Dr. Gbotoe’s insights and the motivations behind his book, you can watch the full interview below:

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