Željko Vujović

Željko Vujović

Željko Vujovic graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade, Department of Electronics, and received his master’sdegree from the Center for Multidisciplinary Studies of the University of Belgrade, majoring in biomedical engineering. He worked as a broadcasting engineer and liaison for Television of Montenegro, as an engineer at KBC Podgorica, and as a professor at the School of Electrotechnics. He lives in Podgorica.

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    BOSNIA NEEDS TO BE PASSED: Aporias of Elijah of Thunder

    Individuals, communities, peoples, nations, states, and the society in the Western Balkans. Their mutual relations and influences, as well as relations with neighboring societies and Europe as a whole. Review and reflect on historical conflicts that have taken place in the Western Balkans and the relationship and influence of Europe against these conflicts. Reflection of these wars on the lives of individuals,

    the state, and the entire society in the Western Balkans. Encourage thinking by asking questions. Who needs to learn from? Western Balkans from Europe or Europe from the Western Balkans?

    The book describes the real personality and actual events.

    A register of personal names is given, which served as an inspiration for writing a book, with some of these names being given a literary, symbolic name to get the book’s literary character. Other names were left in the original.

    The river Bosnia and the Source of river Bosnia are a source of life that does not dry in the center of the Western Balkan … the world and the pearl… the treasure in which we should dive…

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    In The Chaotic Murmur of an Unclear Destiny

    This is a book of deep love, devotion, and respect for the author’s late wife of the author, and it can also be seen as a guide and practice for overcoming difficult situations in life. Exploring his inner self, especially the unconscious part, the author talks about emotional reactions in the modern, alienated world. Improvising his imagination, he talks about a microcosm, which can be anywhere, in which there are long-standing injustices that need to be dealt with. How?

    Please read it, and protect yourself with knowledge, it will certainly not lead you astray and accept everything that life puts in front of you, be ready, and understand all sorrows, difficulties, and injustices as a game that you solve, so that you, not others, set limits for yourself. – Marina Denadic

    Željko Vujovic seems to be moving in a silent sailing ship not far along the mainland and observes everything on the shore… He looks precisely at the long past time and presents it to the reader as if it happened now. Sometimes that coolheaded composure gives way to a slightly emotional subjective assessment. Then the character of the Anemic Director appeared who was “appointed to that position by the Hepatobiliary Surgeon who applies the knowledge of hepatobiliary surgery in the politics of the Microcosm, and the Hepatobiliary Surgeon was appointed to the position by the Tall Man Who Sees High Above the Microcosm.” That emotional assessment is contained in a mild edge of irony which only reinforces the image of society that we survived a long time ago…

    Željko is the treasure of many generations before him… Sometimes he breaks into a biting caricature: The Running Pissing Man, but, that is a testimony of the times we lived in, maybe we forgot and it comes back to us again and again: bad students raise respectable professors. And those respectable “beat the stone” on Naked Island. “Why? For nothing.” Answers a stout old woman, carrying on her mare a full “carload” of grapes and figs, which she picked with her own hands and laboriously and intended for her son, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren, pointing with her head to the house of Blažo Jovanovic, who, at that time, was cheering and dressing in Montenegro. – Dragan Perišic

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    The Book About Branka

    This is the story of one life, one girl , woman, mother, a highly educated person, who wove her threads into one ball called family and tried to be and remain happy in all of this. A woman who had great influence on the family. A woman on whom a lot depended in the home. To a wise woman who knew this well, and that knowledge is not an easy task for a woman. A wife and mother knows that happiness in the home literally depends on her, and then she creates and builds that happiness… because she loves her family. It used to be understood that the husband should create a roof over his head, but what is under the roof-peace, well-being, harmony, health, togetherness … is what depends a lot on a woman’s life. It is a big task, which requires a lot of effort.

    This is a book about a woman, a wife, as a rescue from chaos, a light at the end of the tunnel. . . .
