Stewart Hyson

Stewart Hyson

Since the late twentieth century, Hantsport, Nova Scotia, has experienced major declines in its stature and professional activity. Former industries including shipbuilding, a pulp mill, and a marine terminal that once loaded gypsum have tumbled in recent years, and Hantsport, which even lost its designation as a town, is now just a shadow of what it once was.

But author Stewart Hyson holds his memory of the place dearly, and has long coveted the idea of celebrating his beloved hometown with a collection of short stories. It took retirement until he could find the time to devote to the project.

Hyson, who today lives in Saint John, New Brunswick, loves to read and still counts many of his childhood books among his most prized possessions. He was a professor of political science for much of his professional life, and has published several academic conference papers and articles. He has also worked as an academic editor….

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