Nina Stands Last

Nina Stands Last

I am an Indigenous woman, mother, and grandmother. I have four beautiful children and eight fabulous grandchildren, as of now. I am 51 years old, incredibly positive in my mind and feel as though helping others is the best way to accommodate the day.
I have been writing all my life for assignments, that I keep for further inquiry, in journals, and on computer discs. With my writings I found that this was an educational way for me to release my creativity, my concerns, the negativity that grows in life, and where I could find my place in this world.
I have also learned to use what I have been through as lessons in life rather that regretting them or holding these issues on my shoulders and let it weigh me down throughout life. By writing these incidences down helped me focus on other more logical situations and find a cure for the obstacles that were to land in my life.

  • Female
  • 1