Jeannette M. Gagan, PhD

Jeannette M. Gagan, PhD

Jeannette M. Gagan is a licensed psychologist with over twenty years of experience in clinical practice. She also trained with the Foundation for Shamanic Studies as well as undertaking an apprenticeship with Seneca elder, Twylah Nitsch. She authored Journeying: Where Shamanism and Psychology Meet, which is a daring and pioneering template for healing. She continued her writing with Grow Up Your Ego: Ten Scientifically Validated Stages to Emotional and Spiritual Maturity, which was a winner in the prestigious Eric Hoffer Book Award contest. Taking a hiatus from her practice, during which time she suffered a “collapse,” she has now emerged in a stronger and very forthright way in the completion of this book-both a memoir and inspirational text.

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