Dr. Jan, Elizabeth Lightfoot
Dr. Jan Elizabeth Lightfoot is a Mental Health Professional Licensed by the State of Texas and in good standing since 1983. She is ordained under the Ecclesiastical Authority of Dr. B. Wesley Austin, Jr., DMin, CCOF Ministries, Houston, Texas. She is also a musician, writer, singer, poet, and advocate, dedicated to comforting others by the same comfort she has received of God, to deconstructing the misrepresentation of God by Christians, to fighting injustices by government and municipalities especially against persons with mental health diagnoses, dedicated to fighting against the prediction of policies, procedures, and laws that subordinate, exploit, abuse, injure, and oppress the American liberty of these voiceless citizens. Moreover, Dr. Lightfoot, undervalues advocacy programs that ignore the problems of facility rape, records falsifications, tampering, and hacking, and medication overdosing causing disability and deaths, as to overlook real issues and attempt to fight mental health STIGMA void of addressing these injustices by government and municipalities against the Mental Health Diagnosed Community. Dr. Lightfoot became aware of this systemic racist oppression in 2018 when suffering False Imprisonment thru Mental Health Warrant Abuse by Oak Bend Hospital and Fort Bend County, in Richmond, Texas, under Texas legislative authority. In protest of this cruel injustice as an injured government worker resulting in a work-induced mental health condition, Dr. Lightfoot is a voice for the Mental Health Diagnosed Community, declaring, “We Matter Too!” This abuse must stop from the top down. To break the silence and prevent this abuse from happening to other citizens, Dr. Lightfoot considers herself blessed to have suffered, learned of, and survived this Oak Bend Death-Trap of Systemic Racism and Oppression cloaked as Court Ordered Mental Health Services & Psychiatry, celebrating her Crab-bucket release party on 12/31/19 and 1ST release of this publication during Minority Mental Health Month, July 2020. Since American Liberty is our right as an American with a Mental Health Diagnoses, “We Too” Matter!
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