Donald C. Reimer

Donald C. Reimer

In 1990’s, Donald Reimer began attending Civil War reenactments and visiting local Civil War battlefields in the Maryland area. He was always interested in United States history during his younger years, and took a special interest in the Civil War. In the beginning, he visited the battlefield at Gettysburg, and battlefields around Richmond, Virginia. Then he expanded his visits to other battlefields in North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Tennessee. Having experiencing disappointments of not seeing all of the historical battlefields sites in the area he traveled, primarily because there was not a concise Civil War travel guide detailing all of the sites, he decided to put together a complete Civil War travel guide for all to enjoy. He went through his collections of photos, brochures, and notes that he had taken during his trips to the battlefields and put together a series of history books and travel guides.

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