Christopher R. Rowling

Christopher R. Rowling

I was born in New York and drafted into the US Army in 1966 and went on to serve in the Vietnam War with the Ninth Division Recon Brigade. I served my country with distinction. I served in Vietnam during those horrific days during the years of 1966 through 1967. I was assigned to recon tactical squad of six comrades and ended up as platoon leader. My squad was known as the invisible squad, and despite the many times that we were engaged with the enemy and fired upon with thousands of bullets coming our way, by the grace of God, some of us managed to survive and return home alive. I was awarded the Silver Star and Bronze Star Medal for Heroism, the Purple Heart, the National Defense Service Medal, the Vietnam Service Medal, the Vietnam Campaign Ribbon, the Combat Infantry Badge, the Marksman Badge with rifle bar, and the Good Conduct Medal. I received the Bronze Star Medal with V for actions on January 5, 1967. The citation reads, “Specialist Fourth Collier distinguished himself by heroic actions on 5 January 1967, while serving as a squad leader with Company C, 4th Battalion, and 9th Infantry on combat operations in the vicinity of Katum, War Zone C, and Republic of Vietnam. When Specialist Fourth’s platoon came under heavy machine gun and small arms fire the two point men were wounded and could not be evacuated. Leon Collier and his comrade exposed themselves to hostile fire while moving forward to a vantage point, setting up a machine gun position to establish a fire power against the enemy, killing the enemy machine gun crew. Specialist Fourth Collier’ valorous actions are responsible for the platoon being able accomplish its mission without further casualties.” Following my tour of duty, I returned to the United States and continued my education. I graduated from Fordham University with BS degree in accounting and business and then enrolled at Baruch College where I received my MBA in Finance in 1985. In April of 1977, I began my career with the US Department of Defense as an auditor. Throughout my twenty-five-year career, I have provided assistance and guidance to thousands of veterans. In 2000, I volunteered to work with local veterans’ center representative in helping veteran. As the years went by, I began to realize that I was getting into the autumn years of my life so I decided to write my story, because I know that if you keep ideas and thoughts in your mind, and if you die, no one will ever know, and your story will also be gone forever.

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