Biman Roy
Biman Roy has been writing poetry for the past three decades and has been widely published.His writing has been nominated for Best of the Net and Pushcart award.Biman Roy is the author of one chapbook of prose poems, “Of Moon and Washing Machine,” and two other poetry chapbooks, “Dinosaur Hour” and “Navigating the Quartz Forest.” He is a psychiatrist by profession and serves as a consultant in a hospital in New Yorkand lives in Ridgewood, New Jersey.
- Male
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(0)By : Biman Roy
Fräulein Manhattan
$3.99 – $9.99Fräulein Manhattan fängt den Reichtum der Vielfalt und die Gleichzeitigkeit des Lebens in New York ein. Der Text ist reichhaltig, vielschichtig und vielschichtig, aber nie chaotisch, da die Empfindungen von Menschen, Autos, Vögeln, Blumen und allen Formen des Stadtlebens die Aufmerksamkeit des Sprechers (und des Lesers) auf sich ziehen. Diese einzigartige Sammlung zeigt geschickt die inhärente Resonanz des Lebens in der Stadt, in einer schönen, fröhlichen und manchmal aufrührerischen Weise, aber immer mit einem Gefühl von Leben und kreativer Kraft. nicht Zerstörung oder Entropie. Diese Gedichte leben im individuellen Körper, auch wenn sie eine äußere und kollektive Erfahrung beschreiben.
(0)By : Biman Roy
Life Isn’t What It Seems: Poetry That’s Based On A True Story
$9.99In a world where you cannot unsay what has already been said. Where you cannot undo what has already been done, and where you cannot get back the time you have invested. All you can do is live for today. Strive to fix what is broken. Count your blessings and be blessed to see tomorrow. Life Isn’t What Is Seems is a poetry book that teaches the value of life through poetry, and how we as people cannot rewrite our past, but live for every moment we are given. This book will enlighten, motivate, encouraged, uplift, and inspire you to be the change in your existence, but most importantly that we as people should not regret the things we have done or said, but use those experiences as a lesson and stepping stone to bettering our lives.
“Never be afraid to tell your story. It could save someone’s life.”
(0)By : Biman Roy
Miss Manhattan
$3.99 – $16.99Miss Manhattan truly captures the richness of diversity and the simultaneity of life happening in New York. The text is rich, tumbling, and layered, yet never chaotic as the sensations of people, cars, birds, flowers, and all forms of city life cascading around the speaker’s (and reader’s) attention. This unique collection cleverly displays the inherent resonance of life in the city, in a beautiful, joyful, and sometimes riotous, but always with a sense of life and creative force, not destruction or entropy. These poems live in the individual body, even as they describe an external and collective experience.
(0)By : Biman Roy
Mlle Manhattan: Miss Manhattan (French)
$3.99 – $9.99Mlle Manhattan capture vraiment la richesse de la diversité et la simultanéité de la vie à New York. Le texte est riche, tumultueux et stratifié, mais jamais chaotique comme les sensations des gens, des voitures, des oiseaux, des fleurs et de toutes les formes de vie urbaine en cascade autour de l’attention de l’orateur (et du lecteur). Cette collection unique montre intelligemment la résonance inhérente à la vie dans la ville, dans une belle et joyeuse et parfois agitée, mais toujours avec un sens de la vie et de la force créatrice, pas de destruction ou d’entropie. Ces poèmes vivent dans le corps individuel, même s’ils décrivent une expérience externe et collective.
Biman Roy écrit de la poésie depuis trois décennies et a été largement publié. Ses écrits ont été nominés pour le prix Best of the Net et Pushcart. Biman Roy est l’auteur d’un recueil de poèmes en prose, Of Moon and Washing Machine, et de deux autres recueils de poésie, Dinosaur Hour et Navigating the Quartz Forest.
(0)By : Biman Roy
Navigating the Quartz Forest
$3.99 – $7.99Each dreamlike lyric in Biman Roy’s Navigating the Quartz Forest is charmingly paired with a small handwritten note hastily jotted down on blue-lined notebook paper-artifacts from his daughter’s life outside the family home. “All through the evening, we keep talking nonessentials, / tiptoeing around secret tulips,” he says. These notes, like scraps of overheard conversations removed from their natural habitats, become the crystalline seeds of new poems. Side-by-side with each other, the poems act as translator for these somewhat oracular messages from an unknown world of teenage gossip and pop culture references, fitting the pieces together like a shattered mirror and filling in the jagged-edged gaps with the poet’s expansive imagination. In Navigating the Quartz Forest, Roy’s whimsical poems become a sparkling tribute from a father to his beloved daughter.
(0)By : Biman Roy
Señorita Manhattan: Miss Manhattan (Spanish)
$9.99Señorita Manhattan realmente captura la riqueza de la diversidad y la simultaneidad de la vida que sucede en Nueva York. El texto es rico, tambaleante y estratificado, pero nunca caótico como las sensaciones de personas, automóviles, pájaros, flores y todas las formas de vida de la ciudad que caen en cascada alrededor de la atención del orador (y del lector). Esta colección única muestra inteligentemente la resonancia inherente de la vida en la ciudad, en un lugar hermoso, alegre y, a veces, desenfrenado, pero siempre con un sentido de vida y fuerza creativa, no destrucción o entropía. Estos poemas viven en el cuerpo individual, incluso cuando describen una experiencia externa y colectiva.
Biman Roy ha estado escribiendo poesía durante las últimas tres décadas y ha sido ampliamente publicado. Su escritura ha sido nominada para el premio Best of the Net y Pushcart. Biman Roy es autor de un libro de poemas en prosa, Of Moon and Washing Machine, y otros dos chapbooks de poesía, Dinosaur Hour y Navigating the Quartz Forest.