
Advanced Book Trailer

Create One of the Best Book Trailers That Converts to Sales

A book trailer is necessary for promotion even if you are not a filmmaker. Video trailers help build an audience and spark interest in your work by engaging potential readers through visual, aural, and emotional means. Video trailers are also proven methods of increasing sales at a time when media consumption is reaching stratospheric heights.

Creating a video trailer might be a daunting task for some writers, but that should not be a problem. Our book trailer service will help you tell your story and bring your work to life in a way that you could only imagine during the writing process.

Our Advanced Book Trailer is our motion picture-like video service for authors, bringing your book’s texts to life through motions and layers that will draw the crowd’s attention.

The Advanced Book Trailer Package Includes The Following Services:
  • Staged performance by real actors in costumes and in carefully scouted locations with the goal of creating buzz-worthy videos that can go viral in hours or days.
  • Audible storytelling through voiceover by a professional actor
  • Imagery includes complex design, such as lighting effects, 3-D space, visual effects and motion graphics
  • Two live-action video scenes
  • Distribution of your book video to Dailymotion, YouTube and other video-sharing sites
  • Web streaming support and high-quality video downloads

You will be able to make two rounds of revisions to your video at no additional cost. Any additional rounds of revisions will incur charges. Acceptable changes include:

  • Simple text changes
  • Changes in font size
  • Corrections or additions to book cover info and author information
  • Changes to audio levels
  • Image changes (if you provide your own or you feel like an image is not appropriate).
  • With actors, costumes and locations, this buzz-worthy video has the most potential to go viral with no limits.
  • This package includes support from our professional video editors and script writers whose attention to detail is impeccable.