God’s greatest creation is the Homo Sapien, the Modem Human Being.
God made this great creation, Lord of the Earth. To do this, God had to give the Human Being some of God’s Image. No one has ever seen God, but we all have felt God. So descriptive reasoning says that God is a Force. God instilled some of God’s Force within the Human Beings because the strongest part of the Human Being is internal. What did God tell the Human Being to do first? Seek ye First then Kingdom of God. I was always told that the Kingdom of God is within you. This book is about seeking the Kingdom of God; my research opened my eyes about what God gave the Human Being at birth to live in harmony with other Human Beings. I call this the God’s Force Within. This book attempts to introduce you the God Force within and show you how to tap into the God Force Within; so you can recognize your Mind, Body and Spirit.
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