Sixteen Thousand Six Hundred Eighty-Five Sunrises: Dad Stories


Sixteen Thousand Six Hundred Eighty-five Sunrises is a collection of humorous episodes concerning the life of John Estall Berry Jr. Most of the time, I was a willing participant in these, as I like to call them ‘Dad Stories.’ Dad only lived a short time here on earth, but each day he lived was filled with fun, as well as some not-so-fun teaching moments. Over the years, our family has recounted our memories and smile, cry, or simply laugh ourselves silly. Minus a smidge of poetic license and perhaps just a hint of exaggeration by the author, these stories are

as truthfully told as can possibly be.”

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Author: Leah Ambler Hawkins

Sixteen Thousand Six Hundred Eighty-five Sunrises is a collection of humorous episodes concerning the life of John Estall Berry Jr. Most of the time, I was a willing participant in these, as I like to call them ‘Dad Stories.’ Dad only lived a short time here on earth, but each day he lived was filled with fun, as well as some not-so-fun teaching moments. Over the years, our family has recounted our memories and smile, cry, or simply laugh ourselves silly. Minus a smidge of poetic license and perhaps just a hint of exaggeration by the author, these stories are

as truthfully told as can possibly be.”

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Book Type

Ebook, Paperback


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