This work began as a series of lessons for a Bible study class. At that time, no thought was given to the possibility that a book would be the final result of the study. In researching material for the individual lessons, therefore, no records were made of the sources of the material being gathered. After completing the study, there was such a large amount of material that had been used for the study that the writer decided at the last moment to consolidate it into a book. Regretfully, because the decision to make a book of the project did not arise at the beginning of the study, there is no bibliography attached. However, there are many instances within the manuscript in which the authority for the information used is cited. I deeply regret that credit for all the information received from outside sources cannot be given to the proper person or authority.
I trust that the failure of the author to provide a list of source materials will not detract from the acceptance or the enjoyment of the information given, especially since the reader will not be able to use the same sources of information to check the truth or reliability of the information contained herein.
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