Enjoy a romp through the 1950s with two small town boys hell-bent on action and adventure. Fools and Children is an unblinking and touching collection of memorable childhood escapades as it chronicles the outlandish and often dangerous exploits of these creative but naïve lads. Ed Frye and Herb Bierly, with their rogues’ gallery of friends, create havoc and consternation for town residents when they flood a section of town, loose a horse on the streets, and plan a bank robbery. Caves, creeks, hills, and farms are scenes of perilous undertakings.
Millheim provides their earliest up close and personal experiences with death, as well as poignant lessons for life. Along the way, they experiment with guns, horses, the sins of the world, and girls. Frye and Bierly skip none of the rites of passage, but almost always with a twist. Both learn early that the difference between hero and victim is often too close to call.
Filled with leisurely-told tales, colorful characters, cultural references to the Golden ’50s, and humor, Fools and Children takes Baby Boomers back to their own youthful years. With the freedoms available to these young adventurers in a simpler time and place, their zeal for life is reflective of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn.
What would a reader expect in a collection of leisurely-told tales? Danger? Humor? Sex? Insight? Naiveté? Creativity? Stupidity? Fools and Children provides them all.
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